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Mesa de trabalho

Contact us:

Tel: +55 (11) 4543-7474


Whatsapp: +55 (11) 98810-1565

Rua Ruzzi, 515 - Sertãozinho - Mauá, SP -

CEP: 09370-850

Let's Chat

Relógio e planta

Customer support:

Hi! Did you buy one of our products? Have any question, suggestion, compliment or complaint?

Please contact our Customer Support via  of contacts  below or filling in  the form . 


Tel: +55 (11) 4543-7474


Please fill in all the information below:

Rua Ruzzi, 515 - Sertãozinho - Mauá, SP - CEP: 09370-850

Tel: +55 (11) 4543-7474

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